Thursday, August 9, 2007

Archiving the Journey: Part 2

Well, the summer is rumbling along and I am fighting myself for more time: more time to write, more time to think, more time to prepare, more time to just breathe!

I am home full time - doing the Mr. Mom thing (my god, I can’t believe how much I love this gig!) but find that this job is all-consuming. It hit me with a (refreshing) jolt the other day as I opened up a letter from my school with my new timetable in it! It was a jolt because I hadn’t really thought about going back for so long that I was really stunned that my summer was coming to an end. I guess when I view my summer in its entirety, it seems to stretch out forever. Yet it too must come to an end!

So, in terms of where I left off, where has my journey led me? I have managed to create a couple of spaces for my self and my students. The first is my teaching blog - my central space that I will hold discussions and post assignments for my students. I think I will use this space to write about my thoughts as per the classroom development, thinking about issues that we all are facing, posting assignments that each of my students will then complete on their own blogs, and of course, a space where all of my own students can link to their own and fellow classmates’ blogs.

I’ve also created a wiki for my class - I see this as an interactive classroom website, as well as a space for all of us to contribute to. As the year progresses, I’d like to get my kids to create their own wiki as a published on-line research report (say, a wiki on cars) yet I fear that this is an entirely too linear use of this resource. We’ll see how the year progresses.

I’ve been thinking about my limitations of technology - from the shortage of classroom computers (I have 3) to the limitations of the home (what if my students don’t have the internet at home?). I’m thinking about hi-jacking the lab in the mornings before school (my kids can come early to publish if needed) as well as during some lunch times.

I’ve been thinking about setting the ground rules to keep my kids safe - but that does not mean sheltered. I am adamant about them being on the web (yes they need to be taught how to manage, as well as how to be responsible) as this is truly the wave of NOW, not even the future. What an incredible resource to not even use!

So I am off to tweak my blog, my wiki and start looking for rules of conduct! What a journey!