Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Dedication for All

Well, I’m back at it (a little personal insert, if you will...). My youngest daughter just started daycare, throwing off my morning routine. And, as most educators are, I am resistant to substantial change and crave a routine of sorts. It has taken some time, but I think I am getting back to the craft. Well, let’s to it then!

Being in a new school, we are privileged to be a part of some interesting and unique experiences. Presently, we are thinking about dedicating the gym (something I had never heard of). We are currently tossing around local sports legends that possess the ideals and values that we desire of our students... and then it hit me! What if we dedicated the gym to someone within our local community, rather than a distant outsider. What if we dedicated the gym to a family that actually goes to our school who believes in the sports/values that we do... How cool would that be?

Part of the reason of this entry is for me to flesh out my ideas to present in a (reasonably) coherent fashion to my principal. My idea would require the staff to nominate a family (presumably) of children who go to our school who are active the in the sporting life of our school, and outside community. This would mean that we would say that all who enter and play within these walls show the same sportsmanship as _____________ (blank).

What if each teacher nominated a student from the first class of the building, effectively dedicating the gym to a wider range of students?

On the other hand, what kind of surreal experience would that be for a kid at school to play in the gym dedicated to her/him self? How would the other kids react to that? I think it is fair to say that sporting people in general are pretty competitive - so would this create resentment among the students - assuming they would even care?

I guess that is all this is - an ideal, a dream. We’ll see what the powers that be make of it.

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