Thursday, January 25, 2007

PostScript: Un(*frickin’*)believable!

Well, we are in the building for one day when our fear(ful)less principal calls a staff meeting before school. So on Tuesday morning, bleary-eyed and feeling hung over from our triumphant first day, we stumble into the staff meeting. There, our leader of a day has the audacity to announce that she has been promoted to superintendent.
Now - we all knew this was coming. She is driven in every sense of the word, yet I still had my money on her leaving us in September. Couldn’t she at least see us into our building for the year? Yet time (and I guess positions) wait for no man, so as of Monday, we have a new principal.

The funny thing about this is how little emotion I feel about this. There were a couple of people who were weeping openly during the meeting, speeches were made, promises to return were given, yet I could not muster up that emotion. I did feel the sting of the freshly-made foot print on my back, as she discarded us to further her career.

Now what?

I touched base yesterday with a couple of staff who had worked closely with her at the other site, and they were NOT emotional - good riddance I think was the thought. The point was made that as we come together to form this new school, it would be the perfect time for a new administrator. This person could start us fresh, without the obvious favourites and pre-determined scoundrels. We could be together.

She came by yesterday to announce to my class that she was leaving. She seemed emotional, yet my kids were all thinking: Who is this lady, and who the hell cares? She’s only been our principal for 3 days now. So what?

I couldn’t help but laugh.

So maybe we will get our lives back.

So maybe we will start to teach in a positive atmosphere.

So maybe we will begin to get our breathe back.

So maybe the footprint will go away.

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