Sunday, January 21, 2007

T-Minus 11 Hours and Counting...

I spent the large part of the past week thinking, planning, unpacking and setting up my new room - and I cannot get over how ridiculously excited I am about starting at my new school tomorrow morning. I was in for the day today, and was literally bouncing off the walls with excitement. The parent group has put red ribbon across the door for us to cut before we enter. I plan on getting all the kids to sit at the same time and celebrate how they are the first to sit in these desks. The day will be filled with firsts: the first time to line up, the first to use the bathroom, the first to use the fountain, etc... Very little curriculum will happen tomorrow, but so much learning will happen. They will be creating memories that will last for a lifetime. This is exciting stuff!

I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight. I know I will be wound up - but I am prepared. The room is set up. The day is planned. I am good to go.

I do think I will be emotional tomorrow - just so damn proud to finally give this brand new school to my kids. Finally, we made it! We survived the experience, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We did it!

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